7 Habits of Highly Successful People

Ruchi Rathor


If you’ve ever wondered what makes some people successful, you’re not alone. People ask this question all the time—and they may not even know it. I’m sure when you think of successful people, they’re a bit like superheroes: they have cool powers that allow them to do incredible things. Things like flying through the air or shooting laser beams out of their eyes (thanks for setting me up there). But what about those who aren’t superheroes? What about regular people who don’t have any “powers” but still manage to get big results in their lives? What are those people doing differently from everyone else?

Make decisions that are aligned with your values.

When you make a decision, ask yourself: Is this aligned with my values? Values are what we care about. We all have different values, but there are common ones that apply to most people—for example, family and career. You may also have health as a value, or spirituality. They’re not necessarily in opposition—you can be a spiritual person who cares about their body and eats well. But if your choice doesn’t align with one of these things that’s important to you, it could cause stress down the line when those needs aren’t met by the choice you made.

Get good rest and take care of yourself physically.

Take care of yourself physically.

You can’t be a high achiever if you don’t take care of yourself physically. In fact, your body could be the most important tool in your arsenal; it’s what allows you to do all those things you dream about doing. To keep it running optimally, though, you’ll need to sleep enough and exercise regularly. Sleep is critical for creativity and productivity; many of history’s greatest thinkers have attributed their ideas to dreams and late-night inspiration while they were resting (including Einstein). As far as physical activity goes—well, that’s pretty self-explanatory: If you want to be successful at work or anything else in life, getting some exercise is just common sense!

Work smart.

You’ve heard the saying “work smart not hard.” It’s a cliché because it’s true. Work smart means doing the right things at the right time, in the right order and accomplishing your goals with as few mistakes as possible.

It also means doing what you are good at and enjoying while being productive. Here are some tips on how to do just that:

  • Do what you enjoy – If you don’t like something, don’t do it! If you don’t feel like doing something, don’t do it! You have to spend most of your waking hours at work so make sure that work is fun for you or else it will become a chore which will increase stress levels and decrease productivity over time.
  • Do what is most important first – This can be very frustrating for many people who want everything done perfectly but if there isn’t enough time then try focusing on one task at a time until all tasks have been completed before moving onto another project (or even better yet delegate these small tasks).
  • Do what is most urgent last – This may seem counterintuitive since we tend towards urgency when we have multiple projects due within days or weeks but by prioritizing urgency first usually ends up creating more stress than necessary which leads back into point number two above…

Delegate, delegate, delegate.

The most successful people are also the most strategic. They don’t let their time, attention, or energy get wasted on tasks that can be accomplished by someone else.

As the leader of your team (whether it’s a small company or just you and your family), you have to learn how to delegate. This means you need to:

  • Delegate tasks that others can do
  • Delegate tasks that you don’t have time for but are important for your success (and theirs)
  • Delegate tasks that other people are better at doing than you

Self-reflect daily.

One of the most important habits to develop if you want to be highly successful is self-reflection. Self-reflection helps you understand yourself, your emotions, motivations and strengths and weaknesses. It also allows you to see how others perceive you. Self-reflection is an essential habit because it allows people to understand themselves better so that they can make better decisions in their lives.

Self-reflection should be practiced daily or as often as possible because it helps people adjust their thoughts based on new information or experiences that they have had recently (or over time). For example, if someone wants more money but they aren’t making enough money yet then they might think about getting a higher paying job with fewer hours so that they can spend more time with family instead of working all day every day just trying make ends meet at one job (which may get boring after awhile).

Be generous.

Everyone is in the same boat, so don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Being generous with your time, money and support will also help you feel more connected with others—a feeling that Dr. Seuss got spot-on in his book Oh, The Places You’ll Go!

It seems like a no-brainer: Share what you have with others and success will follow. But if sharing isn’t your thing or if you’re unsure where to begin, keep these tips in mind:

  • Give generously of yourself without expecting anything in return.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help when asked by someone else—you never know who might have an idea or resource that can help out! And don’t forget that giving back doesn’t always mean working directly with those who need it most; sometimes all it takes is lending an ear through listening sessions at work or simply volunteering some free time as needed (think about how much easier it would be for teachers if they had a few extra hands during busy times).

Manage your money well.

  • Save for a rainy day.
  • Pay yourself first.
  • Don’t spend more than you earn.
  • Don’t carry credit card debt.
  • Don’t buy things you can’t afford, even if there’s a sale or coupon involved (your future self will thank you).

Successful people have things in common that make them successful

Successful people have things in common that make them successful. Below are seven habits of highly successful people:

  • They’re not perfect – They accept their shortcomings and don’t pretend otherwise. Instead, they focus on the positive aspects of their lives and strive to improve those areas where they can be better.
  • They’re motivated – They set goals for themselves, then go after them with all they’ve got until they achieve their goal or decide it’s time to move on.
  • They’re persistent – Once they set a goal or start working towards something, no matter how long it takes or how many obstacles get in their way, they keep going until they reach their destination.
  • Successful people are confident – But not arrogant; confident enough in themselves and what they can do that there’s no reason for them not to try something new if it might benefit them or help someone else (it just has to be done right). In other words: “I believe I can do this because I’ve done everything else so far!”


We’ve looked at seven habits that successful people have in common, which we think are worth considering. These are by no means the only habits out there, but they do show up over and over again among people who achieve great things. If you want to be more successful at work (or in any other aspect of life), then you should consider adopting some of these habits yourself!


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